
Tours to international exhibitions, trade fairs, business trips in Vietnam & Finland

We believe that going to exhibitions and trade fairs is one of the best ways to showcase your products, explore new opportunities, gain overall knowledge of the target market, meet potential clients as well as cooperation partners in your industry.

ShineBridge organizes comprehensive, hassle-free group tours for your staff to visit international trade fairs, expos, and other business related trips whether your company wants to participate as visitors or exhibitors. Our package includes but not limited to:

✔ Air tickets and airport pick-up

✔ Hotels within walking distance to the expo centres

✔ Expo booth planning (sign up, pricing deal, etc.)

✔ Consulting and preparatory arrangements prior to the trip

✔ Interpreters (if required)

✔ City tours (if required)

Market research of Vietnamese & Finnish market

An up-to-date knowledge about the target market is the fundamental first step for the success of the internationalization. It provides a clear acumen of the opportunities and the markets. ShineBridge can offer:

✔ Assessment of market size, share, and company’s position compared to competitors

✔ Consumer behavior survey, customer profiles, and preference analysis

✔ SWOT and PESTLE analyses of the markets

✔ Mapping potential customers, competitors, and business partners

Partners matchmaking

One of the biggest challenges of expanding the business internationally is finding the perfect partners including suppliers, distributors, manufacturers, buyers, etc. Together with you, we will characterize detailed requirements for your right partners to increase the chances of success and minimize the risks. Specifically, we will help you:

✔ Profile, find, and evaluate potential partners

✔ Contact the best suitable potential partners, make introduction

✔ Establish the partnerships and assist the negotiation

✔ Arrange meeting itinerary when a client needs face-to-face meetings with potential partners

Marketing strategies support

Congratulate that your company has decided to enter Vietnamese/Finnish market and found perfect partners. ShineBridge will provide a continuous consultancy for penetrating the markets such as:

✔Promotion campaigns

✔ Communication channels

✔Localize materials

Don't waste your resources, focus on your expertise. We will walk with you through the jungle!